Choosing the Right Mascara Color for You

Hey, everyone! The subject of today’s discussion is mascara. Now, I’m sure you’ve all heard of it – it’s a must-have for many women’s beauty routines. Heck, you can’t even buy a magazine without seeing someone wearing some on the cover. But what a lot of people don’t realize is that picking the right color of mascara can be just as important as picking the right product.

So, let’s dive into the basics, shall we? Mascara is makeup that you apply to your eyelashes in order to make them look longer and thicker. It’s generally applied with an applicator wand that looks like a tiny paintbrush. It comes in a variety of colors, ranging from black and brown to blue, purple, and green.

But how do you know which color to choose? Well, there are a few things to consider before you go out and buy the first one off the shelf. Take into account factors such as your skin tone, hair color, and eye color to determine which color best suits you.

Considerations When Choosing Mascara Color

Choosing the right mascara color isn’t as simple as picking your favorite hue. There are a few things you need to consider when making your selection, such as your skin tone, hair color and eye color. Let’s dive in and explore if that bright purple mascara really is the best choice for you.

Your complexion plays an important role in selecting the right color of mascara. For instance, someone with fair skin might look washed out wearing black mascara, but brown or gray might be a better option. On the other hand, if you have darker skin, then black is a great choice for intensifying your eyes. It all comes down to how the colors complement each other.

A close-up of a variety of colorful mascara tubes arranged in a pattern.

Your hair color also affects which color of mascara suits you best. If you have blonde hair, opt for dark colors like black, brown, navy blue or purple. Brunettes should stick to lighter colors, like brown, gray and blue. Redheads can work with any color, though they should avoid colors that match their hair too closely, like orange or red.

Finally, your eye color is another factor to consider when choosing mascara. If you have light eyes, try lighter colors like brown, gray or blue. Dark eyes go well with black, dark green or deep purple mascaras. Blue and green eyes, on the other hand, can pull off virtually any color, from natural ones like brown and black to bolder options like electric blue and teal.

Types of Mascara Colors

If you’re looking to spruce up your look, choosing the right mascara color can make all the difference! You don’t have to go with just plain black when it comes to mascaras. There are so many amazing colors to choose from these days.

First and foremost, if you ask me, black is still the most classic and safe option. It’s subtle enough to use for everyday looks but intense enough to make your eyes stand out. Plus, you can always build on the intensity by layering more coats.

When it comes to browns, they tend to be a bit warmer and softer compared to black, so they go great with lighter-colored eyes. Blues, purples and greens are a fun way to add some pizzazz to your makeup look. Blue works particularly well if you have green or hazel eyes. Purples really pop against blue eyes, while greens work well with brown eyes.

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So why not keep yourself from getting bored with your makeup routine? Expand your mascara options and find the perfect hue to bring out the best in your eye color!

Tips for Applying Mascara

Applying mascara can be tricky, so follow these steps and you’ll have gorgeous lashes in no time! First off, it’s always important to start off with a clean brush. Nobody wants clumpy, gunky lashes! Give your wand a good scrub with some soap and water before using it.

Next, make sure your eyes are primed and ready. If you put mascara on without properly prepping then you might end up with raccoon eyes. To avoid this, use an eye primer or apply a thin layer of concealer around your eyes. This will help keep the dark pigment from smudging.

Now comes the actual application. Swipe the mascara brush across your lashes, starting at the root and pushing up towards the tips. Try not to pump the wand in and out of the bottle too much as this will add air bubbles to your formula which will make your mascara clump. Instead, swirl it a few times and you’re good to go!

You can add extra volume by applying a few more coats. Make sure you let each one dry in between applications. Also, you’ll want to curl your lashes instead of just relying on the mascara to do all the work. After curling them, lightly coat the tips with mascara and voila! You’ll have full, fluttery lashes that look incredibly natural.

Finally, if you happen to get any smudges or clumps on your face, don’t panic. Just go in with a Q-tip and gently dab it away. That’s all there is to it! With these tips, you’ll be rocking lusciously long and bold lashes in no time.


When it comes to choosing the right mascara color for you, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer! Your complexion and hair color play a role in which color will best suit you. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors, but typically black, brown, and blue are safest options. For adding volume and definition to your lashes, the application of mascara is important. When applying, start at the root of the lash and brush up and outward for maximum impact. Don’t forget to use an eyelash curler for extra va-va-voom. And remember, a little mascara goes a long way, so don’t get too heavy-handed or you’ll end up with spidery lashes.

FAQs About Mascara Color

How do you know which mascara is right for you?

When it comes to choosing a mascara color, it’s important to take your individual complexion, eye color, and daily makeup routine into consideration. This isn’t a decision to be taken lightly – the wrong shade of mascara can end up making your eyes look dull and lifeless. I’m here to help you look your best, so here are a few tips to help you find your perfect mascara shade.

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First of all, if you have fair skin, opt for a light brown or brown-black mascara for a more natural look. If you have medium skin, choose a rich, dark brown color for a subtle pop. For those of you with deep-toned complexions, you should go for a classic black mascara. This striking shade will really make your eyes stand out.

In addition, you should pick a mascara shade that complements your eye color. For those with blue or green eyes, brown is a great choice. It won’t overpower your natural hue, while adding just the right amount of drama. Brown-black is also a good bet if you’re in between shades. If you have hazel or dark brown eyes, black will really make them pop.

Finally, it’s important to take your daily makeup look into consideration. If you like to go for a subtle, no-makeup look on an everyday basis, then a brown mascara is ideal. If you usually wear a lot of eye makeup, then a black mascara will make your eyes truly stand out.

Choosing the right mascara color for you can be tricky, but with a bit of know-how and some experimentation, you’ll soon be rocking the perfect look. So have fun, and get experimenting!

Why is brown mascara better than black?

Mascara color can make or break your look. For a subtle, everyday look, brown mascara is the best choice – it’s a softer shade that enhances eyes without making them appear too dramatic. It also won’t clump like black mascara can. Plus, brown can make lashes look thicker while still maintaining a natural look. Even better, brown mascara is great for light-colored eyes, as it helps define their shape without overpowering them. Ultimately, it’s all about finding the perfect shade that complements your skin tone, eye color, and lashes.

For a classic look, black mascara is the way to go. It’s the perfect choice for a powerful statement – it amplifies eyes and makes your lashes look longer and fuller. It’s a great choice to complete a smoky eye and to show off your eye make-up. Plus, black mascara is great for both day and night time looks.

At the end of the day, the choice is yours. If you’re looking for a subtle, natural look, brown mascara is the way to go. If you want to make a statement, black mascara is the perfect choice. And, if you simply can’t decide, why not try both? Just remember to apply it with care and to always curl your lashes for the best results!

What color mascara makes your eyes look bigger?

Choosing the right color mascara for your eyes can be a tricky task. I’ve been experimenting with different colors for years and I’ve found that certain shades are better for making eyes look bigger, brighter, and more striking than others.

My favorite for achieving the big-eye look is brown. Brown is a color that serves to naturally enhance the lashes, instead of making them look extra bold. Plus, it won’t clash with any of your eye shadow looks.

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If you’re feeling more daring, opt for a navy blue mascara. Blue can help draw out the whites of your eyes, making them look brighter, and is better suited for darker skin tones.

If you want to go bright and bold, choose a color like purple or hot pink. These colors will really pop and draw attention to your eyes. However, they can be tricky to pull off, so I recommend keeping the rest of your makeup neutral if you go this route.

At the end of the day, the color of mascara you choose is up to you. Experiment with different shades and hues until you find the one that makes your eyes look their very best.

Should I wear clear or black mascara?

Choosing a mascara color is a personal preference. You may want to experiment with different colors until you find one that complements your look. That said, clear and black are the two most versatile colors. If you’re wearing a bold eye look, a pop of black mascara can make your lashes stand out. But if you’re looking for a more subtle look, clear mascara can be just as effective in enhancing your eyes.

For an everyday look, I would recommend black mascara since it can instantly open up your eyes. You can also opt for a brown or navy mascara for a softer, more natural look. On the other hand, if you want to make your lashes look fuller and more dramatic, clear mascara can do the trick.

No matter what color you choose, make sure to use a mascara that’s volumizing, conditioning, and smudge-proof so that your lashes look their best all day long!

Is brown mascara better for older eyes?

It is a common misconception that brown mascara is better for older eyes, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Ultimately, the best mascara color for you depends on a number of factors like the color of your eyes and the look you’re trying to achieve.

When selecting a mascara color, it’s important to consider the overall look you’re going for. If you’re looking for a subtle, natural look, a lighter shade of brown or even light gray may be best. On the other hand, if you want to make a statement, a darker brown or black mascara can be a great option.

Another factor to consider is your eye color. If your eyes are light, a lighter shade of brown may help make them pop, while dark eyes can often benefit from a deeper mascara color. Of course, this isn’t a hard and fast rule; experimentation is key.

When it comes down to it, the best mascara color for you comes down to personal preference. Take the time to experiment with different shades to find what works best for you. Remember: there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, so don’t be afraid to be daring and try something new!

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